Man gunned down in moving vehicle

May 21, 2024

Despite the additional resources brought into the parish to quell the ongoing lawlessness, St James continues to bleed as yet another resident was killed on Sunday when gunmen peppered a moving vehicle with bullets.

The dead man has been identified as 23-year-old Omar Johnson, unemployed, of a Lethe address, near Anchovy. Another man who was in the vehicle is nursing gunshot wounds in hospital. According to reports, at 7:32 p.m., Johnson and the other man were travelling in a grey Honda Stepwagon along the Long Hill main road, on the outskirts of Montego Bay, when on reaching the vicinity of a school, the vehicle was fired on by unknown assailants.

The vehicle got out of control, ran off the road and crashed. It was later discovered that both Johnson and the other man suffered multiple gunshot wounds. They were rushed to hospital. Johnson was pronounced dead while the other man's injuries are not considered life-threatening.

Over recent weeks, St James has been hit by a spate of shootings, some of which have resulted in deaths. The manpower of the St James Police Division was recently beefed up, and an arm of the Beat Officer Patrol Division was established in Montego Bay.

Neighbouring Hanover also got a taste of the violence on Sunday, as a man was shot along the Green Island main road and is now in hospital. According to reports, at 10:40 p.m, the man was walking along the roadway when he was accosted by another, who opened gunfire on him. He suffered a bullet wound to his side. He was rushed to the Noel Holmes Hospital in Lucea, where he was admitted in a stable condition.

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