Guilty plea in $20M fraud case

September 20, 2024

A St Catherine businessman who was expected to be released from one of the island's penal institutions next year, may be sentenced to another term of imprisonment, following his guilty plea on Thursday to fraud-related matters amounting to almost $20 million.

Craig Graham is charged on an indictment with multiple counts of fraudulent conversion, possession of criminal property, engaging in a transaction involving criminal property and obtaining money by means of false pretence. Prosecutors contend that between May and August 2021, Graham received $10, 591,000 from the complainant for the clearing of 8,000 tiles at the Kingston Wharves. The indictment revealed further that in December 2021, the fraudster received $2.25 million from the complainant for the purchase of a 40-foot container. Graham, according to prosecutors, received $2. 5 million for the purchase of a motor vehicle in January 2021 and another $1.8 million to be used for the clearance of items held at the Kingston Wharves.

However, he pleaded not guilty to three counts of conspiracy to defraud, before Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell. He was remanded in custody until November 8, when it is expected to be sentenced. A subpoena was issued for the complainants to attend court and he was made the subject of a fingerprint order. The senior jurist requested a social enquiry report to assist with sentencing.

- T.T.

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