Mom hands over teen following shotgun theft

September 20, 2024

A 15-year-old-boy of Tenement, Granville, St James, has been charged with housebreaking and larceny following an incident in his community between September 8 and September 12.

Reports are that on September 12, a man returned home and discovered that a culprit, or culprits, pried open the window of a bedroom and entered his house. Further checks were made, upon which he realised that the locks on his metal safe were open and his Remington shotgun, valued at $85,000, was missing. A report was made and the following day, an operation was conducted in Tenement, where the gun was recovered in a vegetated area.

On September 14, the teen was handed over to the police by his mother and was subsequently charged. A court date is being finalised

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