Gospel Spotlight: Rian Davis is ready to 'Testify'
Gospel singer Rian Davis was touted by many to win the 2006 JCDC gospel competition, but he was left bitterly disappointed as he didn't even place in the top three.
Davis won the popularity votes that year, after he entered the competition on the advice of his relatives. But crowd response wasn't enough to help him finish in the top places.
"It was probably the most embarrassing moment, because everyone thought I would win," he said.
He had success with his first single, Testify, the song he performed during the competition. It gained him some recognition, and persons began calling him Testify, and so he decided to include it in his name; he now goes by Rian 'Testify' Davis.
But not long after he came on to the scene, he decided to take a break for a few years as he was attending Moneague College, where he was studying hospitality.
However, with his brother being a gospel musician, he said he had no choice but to get involve in music.
"My entire family loves music so growing up it was all around. So I started writing songs soon after I got saved," he said.
And after getting back on the scene, Davis, who is known for other songs such as Captain of the Ship and Mighty God, said he has found a new song that is the people's favourite.
"I give thanks for many things like going on my first European tour earlier this year, having one of the most popular songs among the Christian youth right now Satan A Go Mad over Me, he said.
Davis plans to give his fans the album that they have been yearning for.