Youth leaders want action following Micholle Moulton's murder

August 09, 2017
Micholle Moulton

The murder of 17-year-old Micholle Moulton in Arnett Gardens in Kingston on Sunday has bristled youth leaders from across the island who are now calling for swift and proactive action to be taken to protect children amid the spiralling murder toll.

Christopher Harper of The Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network told THE STAR that there is a need for greater effort in “legislative reform, and training of police personnel and institutional agents” to address the issues which plague young people on a daily basis.

“What we have identified is not only a need for systematic transformation but also institutional transformation in the form of how schools really educate and groom our young men to be equipped to really handle how they operate around females,” Harper explained.

Moulton’s murder came a day after the Jamaica Constabulary Force tallied the number of reported crimes in their various categories for the first half of the year, revealing that serious and violent crimes are up 21.6 per cent for the period January 1 to August 5.

With rumours swirling around that Moulton’s murder was triggered by her refusal to give in to sexual advances by men in her community, the youth leaders, representing various organisations, sent out a joint press release, opining Jamaica has become desensitised to the issues that terrorise girls on a daily basis.

Even though rapes have reduced by 18.7 per cent in comparison to the corresponding period last year, the youth leaders said girls are still targeted because they are susceptible to physical, sexual and psychological abuse.

Harper said the introduction of a comprehensive sexuality education is vital to ensuring that young boys understand how to deal with young women appropriately. 

As of Saturday, the number of murders tallied is at 891, the highest for the corresponding period for the last five years.

Shooting also increased by 19 per cent in comparison to last year.

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