‘A bird did it!’ - Woman accused of bursting cop’s head blames feathered creature
A woman accused of using a stone to inflict a wound to the head of a police inspector said that a bird directed the missile towards the cop.
Shena McCrea, made the hair-raising comment when she appeared in the St Catherine Parish Court in Spanish Town on Friday.
McCrae's appearance arose from an incident on April 30, 2022, in the vicinity of the Spanish Town Police Station along Burke Road in the old capital. Allegations are that the woman crept up behind the policewoman and hit her in the head with a stone, causing a wound which bled.
However, McCrae, told the court that she should not be held responsible for the injuries sustained by the cop. She claimed that "a bird used it wing to direct it to the inspector's head", and insisted that she has three witnesses to support her claim.
The court then ordered that she be again remanded for a further psychiatric evaluation. The matter will again be mentioned on February 6.
McCrae has undergone two previous psychiatric evaluations, which provided contrasting results. On one occasion, she was deemed unfit to plead, and on the other occasion the determination was the opposite.