Girlfriend regrets abortion

May 24, 2024

Dear Pastor,

I am 23 years old and my girlfriend is 28. Although she is much older than I am, we get along very well.

We became friends, but at the time she did not know my true age. When she asked me how old I was, I told her I was 25 years old. I was working at a store as a security guard and she used to always come to the store, and I used to talk her out.

One day I asked her for her phone number and she gave it to me. One day, I called her and told her that I liked her. She told me that she liked me too because I have manners and I am very kind. After being friendly with her for six months, we went to the movies together. She was living alone. When we took the taxi to her house, she told me that I did not have to leave, so we paid the taxi and I stayed; the rest is history.

I moved in with her and she helped me to get a better job. She does not have children, but she admitted that she had an abortion. I used to tell myself that I would not want a woman who had abortion. But this girl has caused me to change my mind because I love her so much. She wants us to have sex every day. We do not use protection because she wants to get pregnant. She regrets doing the abortion. I would be like a king in her life if I got her pregnant.

I took her to the country during the Easter holidays and my parents love her. But they do not know that she is much older than I am because she looks very young. Sometimes when I am even tired, I have to have sex with this girl, and I am always hoping that she will get pregnant.


Dear O.G.,

After they have had an abortion, some women regret doing so, and they become very eager to become pregnant again. It is like they are trying to replace the pregnancy they aborted. Perhaps that is what is in the mind of your girlfriend. She will not be happy until she has become pregnant again.

You are a young man; you have worked yourself into the life of this woman. You have made a mistake by not telling her your true age. I would urge you, however, to let her know the truth, because if you hide the truth from her, she will never trust you again.

This young lady is anxious to become pregnant. My question to you is, do you want to father a child now? I suggest that both of you meet with a family counsellor and discuss your future. Do so very soon and I wish you all well.


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