Can too much sex cause prostate cancer?
Dear Pastor,
Many men suffer from prostate cancer. I have heard many times that too much sex can cause prostate cancer. Have you ever heard that? What is the truth?
Dear K.,
I want to remind everybody that I am not a medical doctor, but I have also heard about what you have written. I have even heard that masturbation can cause cancer.
Years ago, I was asked to do an outside broadcast at a certain place in the Corporate Area. A medical doctor was present and the question was posed: can too much sex cause prostate problems? The doctor said that he believes that men who do not have sex regularly may suffer from prostate cancer. So, in his opinion, it is not having too much sex, but lack of sex. The thing became a big joke. The doctor said he would rather believe that a man who does not have sex often may develop prostate cancer. But he was not sure what the truth is.
Research has shown that men who ejaculate frequently may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. This might not be conclusive, but that is what some people believe. I suppose one can always discuss this matter with a urologist.