God saved me from death!
Name: Neil Bellinfantie
Church: Cumberland Seventh-day Church of God, Clarendon.
Position: Sabbath school teacher.
How long have you been saved? I have been saved for more than 20 years.
How did you get your conviction? I heard from some relatives overseas that some great miracles were going to happen, and they were referring to the second coming of Christ. For some reason, I became fearful and was convicted that I was not on track. I knew if He appeared at that moment, my soul would be lost. I saw it necessary to rush to the altar and surrender my life to the Lord.
What has been your most challenging moment since being saved? A memory about my past wants to impact me negatively. I have to remind myself that I am past my past. When I just got saved, persons told me they were giving me a week to return to sin. They said I would not have held on. However, I remembered it was not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. The early years were challenging for me because of my detractors.
What has been your most miraculous moment since getting saved? I was walking along a road one night when I felt a hand pressed against my head. When I looked, I was about to fall into a manhole, which would just take me right into the sea. However, God saved my life. God helped me to clear off my debt after I cried out to Him. I was not working at the time, and He helped me. God is really good.
Message to Christians: Stay saved because our salvation did not come about by accident. It did not come about by lying down in a bed of feathers. Jesus bore a lot for us. He bore them in our stead. The cross on which He died was not His own. It was for Barabbas; it was for the murderer. Jesus suffered for us when He was crucified in the place of a murderer. He suffered all these things to redeem us from what we deserve. We cannot escape if we neglect this great salvation.
Message to non-Christians: As the song says, 'We are inviting you to come along; we are having a
glorious time'. You might feel relaxed in sin now because sin causes people to feel contented. Sin affects all the faculties of the mind and, therefore, when one is in sin, one is not in one's healthy mind.
I want to encourage you to step on the gas. The blood of Jesus Christ is the catalyst. It can speed up the reaction. Step forward before it is too late.
Like in the days of Noah, so shall it be today. You might be laughing; but unless you change your life and become a believer in Jesus Christ, you will surely perish. Fear God and keep His commandments.
Favourite bible scripture: St John 3:16.
Favourite song: I Will Serve Thee Because I love Thee.
Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com