Cops performing random acts of kindness

May 10, 2017
Head of the Clarendon police, Senior Superintendent Vendolyn Cameron Powell salutes her 'young officers' at the official opening of the Longville Park Police Station in April.

Since a photograph of Constable Richard Plummer carrying an elderly woman in St Ann's Bay began making the rounds on social media, members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) have been beaming with pride.

Superintendent Stephanie Lindsay, who is in charge of the Corporate Communications Unit (CCU) of the JCF, told THE STAR that the act has boosted the morale of the members of the force. She said members of the public have been heaping praises and have been pointing to various instances where cops have been particularly helpful.

“Most times the job of the police is an ungrateful one so when someone takes the time out, it means a lot to us,” Lindsay said.

“These things are things that the police do everyday but nobody notice it really. I think the video of Constable Plummer really grabbed the public and even the prime minister shared the picture on his Facebook account.”

According to Lindsay, the JCF Facebook account has been tagged to several images of police personnel carrying out random acts of kindness.

“It really took on a life of its own and then people just keep posting on our Facebook account, sending images to CCU of officers performing random acts of kindness,” Lindsay said.

Plummer, who is attached to the St Ann’s Bay Police Station, was on Tuesday promoted to the rank of corporal and presented with an award by the Minister of National Security, Robert Montague.

Dwite Anthony Barriffe, writing on Facebook, said Plummer's action was "One of the best things I have seen in a while".


IN PHOTO These policemen assist a motorist.


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IN PHOTO: Constable Richard Plummer assisting an elderly resident.


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