A long way home - Elderly woman walks through cane field to catch flight
An elderly woman, who was trying to return home to England yesterday, had to trudge through a murky cane field to catch a bus to the Sangster International Airport in St James after a section of the Guy's Hill main road in St Catherine was swept away by the Rio Magna.
Amy Hudson, 70, told THE STAR that she was afraid she might have missed the flight because her checking-in time had passed.
"I don't know if I am going to make it," Hudson said.
Hudson had made arrangements with her son, Conrod Brown, to take her from the rural community of Guy's Hill to Montego Bay. However, when Brown was making his way to the community of Jubilee he realised that there was no road.
"I had to charter something to take her from Jubilee to here, and we gonna walk across the cane field so I can take her to the airport," Brown said.
Meanwhile, councillor for the Treadways division, Sydney Rose, is calling on the National Works Agency to act urgently as persons in the communities of Guy's Hill, Redwood, among others, are marooned.
"We know it's not a quick fix because the road is completely destroyed, but even something so that emergency vehicles can get to the communities," Rose said.