Annotto Bay residents want coastline fixed after election
Now that the political spotlight is firmly fixed on their constituency of South East St Mary, the people of Port Arthur Lane in the seaside town of Annotto Bay have one request for both candidates vying to represent them in Gordon House after the upcoming by-election on October 30.
"Get the sea coast fix to keep out the water when storm come," said 56-year-old Kelsley Scott, who has been living in the community all his life.
He told THE STAR that in October 2012, Hurricane Sandy destroyed many houses on Port Arthur Lane and Purcell Lane, forcing the then People's National Party Government to build a new housing scheme on the hillside of the town for the displaced families.
But those families who have remained on the seaside are fearful whenever a storm threatens the island.
When Hurricane Matthew threatened to destroy the eastern shore of the island in October last year, the residents of Port Arthur Lane were probably the only group of people who were affected as their homes were flooded.
"We want them put like boulders out there, like how they do a airport road, that can keep out the sea, because whenever the sea get rough, it comes right up on the road over in we house," Scott said.
Another resident, Walford Freak, chimed in, saying: "Years ago, they put basket, but those mash up now, and I think the boulders would serve longer."
Freak also pointed to the drains in the town, which are filled with mosquito-infested water, stating that it is the rising sea level that has caused them to be blocked up.
The men said that they have presented their concerns to both candidates and recently to Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who was campaigning in the community for his Jamaica Labour Party candidate, Dr Norman Dunn.
Dunn will go up against Dr Shane Alexis.