Farmers urged to be vigilant during inclement weather

July 02, 2024

The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) has advised farmers to reap mature crops where possible as Hurricane Beryl is expected to impact the island.

RADA told farmers to clear drains, remove irrigation lines and equipment and store in areas secure from damage, and to check surroundings for danger from fallen electrical wires, trees, pesticide spills and dead animals.

"Establish protected seedling production centres for early replanting after hurricane," the entity said in a release yesterday.

"Cut back tree branches and open the canopy so wind passes through readily thus reducing the level of damage during the storm."

RADA advised persons to stock adequate quantities of fungicides where they have plants that are susceptible to fungal/ bacterial diseases and are likely to need treatments after event.

"Herbicides also may be needed to control weeds that will build up after the rains associated with hurricane. Collect all pesticides in stock and place in a secure, dry area protected from wind/rain and away from animals, food/feed and persons," the release said.

As it relates to livestock, RADA advised that farmers keep a current list of all animals and ensure that they have proof of ownership for all animals.

"If you have no written records, take updated pictures of all your animals and store with important papers in case an animal should get separated from you during a disaster," RADA said. "If large livestock can't be evacuated, turn them loose in larger pastures or pens on high ground. Never leave your livestock in closed livestock housing. If the livestock housing is damaged by wind, the animals could be injured or killed." Smaller animals can be brought indoors if necessary. Trucks, tractors and similar equipment should be kept fuelled and ready to use at a moment's notice.

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