JPS prepared to activate emergency powers

July 02, 2024
Houses damaged by Hurricane Beryl are spotted in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, on Monday.
Houses damaged by Hurricane Beryl are spotted in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, on Monday.

With the approach of Hurricane Beryl, The Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) said that it is preparing to activate its emergency operations to facilitate its coordinated response in the event of damage to its power delivery infrastructure.

The company yesterday urged customers and members of the public to stay safe before, during and after the passage of the weather system.

"It is very important for persons to take the necessary precautions to protect life and property. We encourage customers to stock up on emergency supplies now and to stay indoors upon the arrival of the system. During and after the storm, persons are also advised to stay away from fallen poles and power lines, as these may still be live," said Winsome Callum, director of corporate communications.

The JPS encouraged members of the public to have their service wires checked to ensure they are secure, make sure members of their household are aware of the location of the circuit breaker, and ensure that back-up generators are operational, gassed and put on settings which prevent a back feed on to the JPS grid. This can be hazardous to JPS crew members, especially as they work on lines to restore power. Customers are also advised to unplug large or sensitive appliances, in the event that severe weather conditions result in fluctuations in power supply. They should also ensure that solar panels and other roof fixtures are securely in place. Callum also reminded customers that they should have flashlights, mobile chargers for cell phones and laptops, as well as battery-powered radios in the likely event of extended outages.

JPS is assuring customers, that in the event of a loss of power supply, every effort will be made to restore service safely in the shortest possible time. But the company also urged members of the public to be patient, as teams will need to make the necessary assessments of the power infrastructure, followed by restoration of essential services, large industrial zones and geographic areas. Smaller communities and individual customers will be restored once the foregoing have been addressed.

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