Man remanded after hitting niece with knife

July 02, 2024

A Corporate Area woman was moved to tears on Monday, after seeing her son taken into custody for a psychiatric evaluation.

"Me nuh know how me ago do without him. Me caah do without him. Oh God," the elderly woman bellowed.

Her son, Kareem Leighton, was ordered to be taken into custody by Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell as she was concerned about his behaviour having heard the allegations against him.

"I need the doctor to see you and tell me what's going on upstairs," Burrell said. Leighton is before the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on charges that he unlawfully wounded his niece. It is alleged that the accused man threw a knife at the complainant, which hit her in the face causing a wound that bled.

But Leighton insisted that he did not intend to hit his niece, and was aiming at his sister.

"Your Honour, I love my niece and nephew. I fling the knife but I don't know who it lick," Leighton explained.

He was remanded in custody until September 6, when the matter is set for mention.

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