I can't please my wife in bed
Dear Pastor,
I am 50. My wife is 41. I had three children before I married this woman. This is my second marriage. My wife doesn't have children, but I have come to the place where I am wondering if I should let her loose. She is going to kill me. I can never satisfy her in bed. She is always asking for more. I told her that I can't do more than I can do, so if she wants, we can get a divorce.
She suggested that I should allow her to go out once every three months to find a man who can satisfy her. I told her that she should not wait for once every three months, she can go at any time. Pastor, I bought her a sex toy that she can help herself. She was glad for it, but now she wants to use it on me. I do not need a vibrator. If I spend 15 minutes having sex with my wife and I discharge she makes a big fuss over it and say that it was too short.
I try foreplay and I know when she comes to orgasm, but she needs more. I don't have the strength to go anymore because I work hard and I have to get my rest. She has everything to her comfort, including a lovely car that I bought for her.
She feeds me well. She says her reason for feeding me is to get me in the condition that would please her in the bedroom. Every time she talks about sex, she gets me upset.
Dear O.N.,
Do your best my friend. A man cannot do more than his ability. You are not ignoring your wife. If you were to consent to her request for her to have sex with another man or different men and come back to your bed, the world would see you as a fool. What I would suggest is that both of you meet with a sex therapist who might pass on to you some suggestions in making the sex act more enjoyable.