Boyfriend does not respect my views

October 28, 2024

Dear Pastor,

My boyfriend and I are always arguing. He thinks he has the correct answer to everything. He is much older than I am, so he does not respect my point of view in anything. Sometimes I know that I am right in what I am saying, but to prevent the unnecessary argument, I keep quiet. I love him very much. He is a good partner. He just wants to know that he is always right.

Most of the time we argue about money; he thinks that I am careless in how I spend money. Well, I am not careless. I always save out of what he gives me. Sometimes he is surprised that out of what he gave me, I put away something. When it is not money, it is over sex. I have learnt that one way to keep this man quiet is to allow him to have sex with me any time he ask for it.

He loves his children. He spends a lot of time with them. We have three children together.

Initial Withheld.

Dear Writer,

Your boyfriend has to learn to have respect for your opinion. From what you have said, he loves you and he respects you. However, communication is the key for a good relationship and he is not doing well in that area. It seems you have a good man. Both of you should come together and discuss marriage, he is much older than you, stop arguing and fussing and get married.


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