Road march safety tips
The excitement is definitely reaching its climax as carnival in Jamaica 2018 is about to culminate with the grand road march on Sunday. There will be lots of drinking, 'wining' and, of course, mingling. While participants are gearing up to let loose and have fun, THE WEEKEND STAR wants to remind them of a few tips to ensure their safety on the road.
1. Travel in groups to and from activities. It is easier to keep track of your loved ones this way.
2. Do not carry around or display large sums of cash. If possible, use cards and avoid cash transactions on the day.
3. This may seem like it goes without saying, but do not leave your drinks unattended.
4. Prearrange transportation and designate an alcohol-free driver. If you will be drinking all day, getting drunk is a possibility, so do not risk driving while intoxicated.
5. Last year, there was an incident involving a licensed firearm holder at an after party. Allegedly under the influence, the man was seen brandishing his firearm in public. He gave patrons quite the scare, so if you are a licensed firearm holder, try not to get intoxicated while carrying. If you are carry one, do not brandish your weapon in public.
6. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes. Whether it will be combat boots or sneakers, maximise your road march experience by wearing comfortable footwear. You will be walking long distances, so avoid getting sore feet on the road.
7. Avoid wearing expensive jewellery. Try to draw little or no attention to yourself.
Other tips to maximise the carnival experience include:
- Remember to eat. As simple as it may sound, this one is very important. The crowd will be massive on the road, so grab something to eat to sustain you while fÍting.
- Don't forget your armbands. There will be no entry without these.
- Book a make-up artist early. Don't wait until the last minute when the best make-up artists might be unavailable. And, if you are going to do your make-up yourself, be sure to practise.
- Remember to drink lots of water so that you stay hydrated on the road. Perhaps this won't be an issue since all the bands are all-inclusive.