Husband doesn’t like to hear about church
Dear Pastor,
I am a regular reader of your column. It was introduced to me by one of my friends.
I am not Jamaican, but I spend lots of time here in Jamaica. I am married to a Jamaican man. We get along fairly well. We have disagreements when I raise the subject of church, and religion in general. He is not anti-God, but he does not care for church. He said that preachers should go out and work 40 hours or more like anybody else, instead of depending on the offerings from the church. He is so strange, because if I am going to church, he gives me money for my offering and he reminds me to pray for him.
He told me that he grew up as a strict Catholic, so on Good Friday he would go to church and then party all night on Saturday, before Easter Sunday. This man likes to help people, especially women who are having difficulty taking care of their children. We have two children of our own and they are so demanding. When I met this man, my mother didn't like him, but he and my father got along well. My father warns me not to try to push religion down his throat.
My husband is a sincere man. He speaks what is on his mind, but he is not aggressive. He thinks highly of nuns. He said that they treated him well when he was a little boy, but he cannot bear to hear some of the televangelists. My husband questions the Garden of Eden story. He does not believe that Adam and Eve sinned by eating a fruit. When it comes to these teaching, he is just like my father. Please comment on these things.
Dear Anonymous,
I am glad that your husband and you have been reading my column.
It wouldn't bother me if he does not agree in everything I say. You should not be worried because he questions preachers, including televangelists. He believes that these preachers should be employed and earn their daily bread as most people do.
Tell your husband that the sacred ministry is hard work and it was ordained by God himself. The whole structure of prophets and priests is laid out in the Old Testament. Prophets and priests were supported by the free offerings they received of the temple. So, although men have abused the system, it does not mean that it should be thrown out. The Bible says how priests should be paid and how they should live. I wouldn't take the time now to explain much more than that.
Your husband grew up in a Catholic Church, so I would suggest that he ask his priest, or any priest for that matter, to explain that to him. In the New Testament, believers are told to support the Church and its pastors. That is clearly taught in the New Testament. Again, there are those who have made merchandise of the gospel. Such persons will be judged by God. I will not be their judge, but people will talk as they see the lifestyle of these preachers.
Your good husband does not believe in Genesis' account; he is not alone in this matter. However, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, said Adam and Eve were our foreparents. Perhaps your husband believes that Eve has sexual intercourse with the serpent. I prefer to believe what the Bile says, that Eve ate a fruit and then encouraged Adam, her husband, to do the same.
Have a wonderful Easter, my dear lady, and please let me hear from you again.