Cheating man nearly drove my daughter crazy

June 13, 2024

Dear Pastor,

My husband and I have been reading your column for a long time. We have shared what we have learnt with other people.

Sometimes we discuss with them some of what we have seen in your column. My husband and I are now in our 60s. He is retired, and at the end of this year I will retire, too. We have saved enough to retire. We have our own home that is fully paid for. We also have investments.

Next year, we hope to go on a cruise. That is something we have always wanted to do. One of our daughters is living at home. She doesn't have to be here, because she has her own home. She was going with a guy who turned out to be a big disappointment to her. It has taken her a long while to get over him, but she has. She went to visit him and saw her best friend having sex with him. She was so surprised, because the very bed her boyfriend was having sex with her friend on was the bed that she had bought for him and had it delivered it to him one week before.

My daughter had to seek counselling; she used to say that she hates men, now she does not say that any more. A certain gentleman is now seeing her. He is twice her age, but she seems to be comfortable with him. He is a widower and he treats her with respect. Her father and I are very proud of her. This man who is dating her can more than take care of her. Let us just say he is not a poor man. Bye, Pastor, I am just sharing thoughts with you.


Dear E.F.,

Your husband and you have done well. You have worked hard, raised your family, and you have put away enough money for a rainy day.

It must be a wonderful feeling to be debt-free. No mortgage to pay, no car loan, etc. You say you have enough; I wonder what amount is enough. You are at the age now where your husband and you would enjoy the things that you were not able to do when your children were growing up and, I suppose, when you were putting them through college and university.

I am sorry to hear of the experience one of your daughters had with this good-for-nothing man. I am sure that the man who is now dating her will treat her much better. I wish your husband and you the very best. Enjoy your cruise.


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