This guy prefers the strip club over church

September 19, 2024

Dear Pastor,

I am a 19-year-old woman and I have a relationship going with a man who is 20 years old.

He is a very nice guy and he treats me very well. He has met my parents, and my mother likes him. My father did not say much when he met him. He questioned me after the man left. This guy is in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. My father asked me if I am the only woman he has. I told my father that he said I am the only one in his life. My father told me that I should make sure that I am the only one.

I am having a little problem with him. He likes to go to clubs. Recently, he invited me to a strip club and I told him I do not go to such places, so I did not go. He was upset. I did not hear from him for two weeks and when I called him, he said he was under pressure at work. I do not believe that he was under pressure. I am thinking of telling this man that we should stop seeing each other, because I am not prepared to go to the places that he wants to take me.

I attend church and I invited him to church, but he said that he does not have the time. However, he can find time to go to a strip club.


Dear B.S.,

It would be wise for you to end the relationship with this man, and you should tell him why.

Many years ago, a couple came to see me. The woman spoke first and she said that her husband always wanted to have his own way. He loves to go clubbing. She was not in favour of that, but she was tired of his nagging, so she agreed to go with him. She said as soon as they walked in, her husband could not take his eyes off the girls who were dancing and taking off their clothes.

Then she went on to say one of the dancers came right in front of them and started performing. Her husband was delighted, and she offered to do a lap dance. Her husband looked at her and she told the dancer, "Go ahead." The girl started to work on her husband and he was elated. He could not get over the fact that he was so pleased. But a big problem arose after that because he wanted to go back repeatedly, and she couldn't stop him. He found a girlfriend at the club, and that marriage ended.

Therefore, you were quite correct in telling this cop that you were not interested in going to the strip club with him. Now, you should be prepared to tell this man that you like him, and perhaps you would be willing to go to dinner with him or to a concert. But as a Christian, there are certain places you will not go. Your parents might ask about him, and when they do, be prepared to tell them the truth.


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