Boyfriend wants me to pretend I’m a virgin

October 18, 2024

Dear Pastor,

One day, my boyfriend and I were talking about lovemaking and sex. I told him that I didn't remember bleeding much the first time I had sex, and he said the guy must have been very small.

I told him no, he wasn't; he was of average size. He wanted me to explain what an average size was. I told him that he was not very small, neither very big. He did not believe when I told him that I did not bleed much. He said the guy did not handle me right, because every girl he knows who had sex for the first time always remembered the experience. I did not say I didn't remember the experience; I said that I did not bleed much.

My boyfriend told me that he would love for me to pretend that I never had sex and for both of us to have sex. If we were to do so, I would always remember the role he played and I would never forget the experience. I told my boyfriend that I would never take the chance with him playing that role.

Initial withheld

Dear Writer,

If you were to be that foolish and allow your boyfriend to have sex with you, I am sure you wouldn't cry; you would bawl.

If you did not bleed much when you had sex for the first time, that is nothing to be alarmed about, because not all women experience much bleeding when they have sexual intercourse for the first time. I hope that the experience that you shared with your boyfriend will not cause him to wonder if you were lying.

You must not share every experience with your boyfriend. Learn to keep your mouth shut.


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