Erick and Ericka: a handful of joy in hard times

January 30, 2016
Horace Fisher Tamika Gordon with twins Erick and Ericka

Like all expectant mothers, Tamika Gordon was overjoyed when the realisation hit her that she was pregnant.

Five months into the pregnancy, nurses at the health centre became curious at the growth of her tummy and advised that an ultrasound be done.

The results were astonishing, the first-time mother was carrying twins, a boy and a girl. Tamika was in seventh heaven with the news. However, things quickly went downhill following the birth of Erick and Ericka Tucker found it a real challenge, financially and otherwise.


"I was basically quite happy when me get pregnant. And when I realised that it was twin, I was even happier," Gordon told THE STAR on a recent visit to friends in Mocho, Clarendon. "But I am not working, neither do I have anywhere to leave them to go and look work, so, you know, that it is hard on me alone," the twins' mother explained.

According to Tamika, who lives in Bucknor, May Pen, Clarendon, the two children, now two years of age, is a handful to manage, and keep her on her toes even at nights.

She said while the twins are a handful, physically and financially, God had provided a Good Samaritan for her and the children.

"One child can be a hell of a burden to manage, so imagine what two is to a single, unemployed parent. They like to play with each other, especially at nights, and sometimes I am real tired, but I have to be up watching them until they fall asleep," she said.

"But God is a good God, and so he has sent me a Good Samaritan in the person of my church sister, who shares with me and the twins, so I am giving thanks among all the hardships," she added.

She described Ericka as a quiet child, and Erick as fussy, jealous and craves attention.

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