Spending money, but still no honey

March 03, 2025

Dear Pastor,

I hope this letter finds you well. This is my second time writing to you. I have been seeing a young lady for almost a year.

I really like her; however, we have not been intimate, despite the fact that I have been there for her and I am helping her financially. The problem now is that she is acting in a demanding way, as if I am obligated to help her financially. This girl has not even given me a hug, but whenever she needs help, I am the first person she calls. If I bring up topics of intimacy, her reaction is one of disdain. So I have cut her off. Now, she is saying that I am not a good person, because I know her financial situation and I am trying to exploit her by expecting sex.

Do you think I am in the wrong here?

Initials withheld by request,

Dear Writer,

I understand why you feel that this girl has rejected you, and it has caused you to feel that she has been using you just to meet her financial needs.

However, you believe that if you are helping this girl financially that you deserve to get a 'piece' of her (you know what I mean). Generally, that is what most men would expect from a woman. I believe that she insulted you when she refused to give you a hug. She was sending the wrong message to you. She may say that she was not scorning you. But any normal man will take that to mean that something is wrong with him, so she isn't showing any affection.

However, sir, you should bear in mind that this young lady is under no obligation to have sex with you although you have helped her financially. If you know that you are not trying to push her to have sex with you, you should discuss that with her and assure her that you are not exploiting her. Is this young lady working? Please, if she is not, encourage her to get a job so that she can meet her own bills.

In the meantime, assure her that you would assist her occasionally, but she should learn not to insult you. Never pressure a woman for sex. An intelligent woman would know that very few men would stick around if she is not willing to show some affection. Mark you, I am not telling you that this woman should have sex with you. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.


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