Not sure what the Bible is saying about sex

October 16, 2024

Dear Pastor,

My husband and I need some clarification on something we read in the Bible, so we are writing to ask you to explain what it means.

We are a young married couple. In 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, it says that the husband and his wife should not abstain from each other for any long period. They ought to see to it that they give each other sexual pleasure at all times. The husband has a right to get sexual pleasure from his wife, and his wife ought to have sexual pleasure from him. How can such things be done at all times? The Bible says that a couple should not defraud sexual pleasure from each other.

What about when the woman is seeing her menses? How can she give pleasure to her husband? Please explain.


Dear N.C.,

Before a couple gets married, they should endeavour to seek premarital counselling, and during the session everything should be discussed.

And when I say everything, I mean everything. One should discuss the matters of finances, sex, dating, and so on. Now, the question you have asked is important, but here is where a skilled counsellor is expected to answer, and the bride should not blush. How can a man give pleasure to his wife and her to him when she is seeing her menses? Counsellors who are trained can highlight good techniques that can enable each of you to give sexual satisfaction. It is not for me to explain everything to your husband and you.

You may discuss these techniques with your husband and be fully satisfied. Both of you should be careful not to ignore each other. God expects a man not to ignore his wife during her menses.


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