Ribbiz to reignite magic at Kingston Waterfront

July 26, 2024
Brian ‘Ribbi’ Chung
Brian ‘Ribbi’ Chung

The popular downtown Kingston chill spot Ribbiz Ocean Lounge has risen from the devastation of Hurricane Beryl stronger and more determined than ever.

Renowned for its breathtaking views and lively ambiance, the venue has undergone significant repairs after being hit by the Category 4 storm that brushed Jamaica's south coast on July 3. Proprietors said that extensive repairs have been undertaken at the facility. Brian 'Ribbi' Chung, co-director of Ribbiz, said most of the windows had to be replaced and the exterior deck had to be rebuilt. In addition, he said that certain structural improvements have been made to mitigate against these forces of nature in the future.

"Quite a bit of work has been done to get Ribbiz Ocean back up and running," said Ribbi.

"A significant sum has been invested in the location to get it ready to receive customers. We know how customers look forward to dining on the waterfront, especially now being summer, lots of families spend time there and the onus fell on us, as owners of the Ribbiz brand, to continue to deliver an exceptional experience for them," he added.

Ribbiz Ocean Lounge reopens its doors this Friday. According to co-director Don Creary, summer is a particularly vibrant time for Ribbiz Ocean Lounge.

"During the summer we play host to numerous Jamaicans who live overseas, and they look forward to coming to dine on the waterfront in large numbers. We didn't want to disappoint them and all our other [patrons], so we have pulled out all the stops to welcome and serve them even better, following the forced closure," Creary said.

Ribbiz Ocean Lounge has long been a cornerstone in the revitalisation of the Kingston Waterfront, which has been experiencing a rebirth is recent years.

" As pioneers in the renaissance of the Kingston Waterfront, we take pride in the fact that we ignored the naysayers, who did not have our vision, and we brought an experience to the waterfront that continues to attract locals and foreigners alike," Creary said.

"We love being on the waterfront, both as owners and as customers, so our immediate thoughts after the impact of Beryl was getting back in operation as soon as possible," Creary added.

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